The Psychology of Meetings: Why Meetings Suck

Mind Media Tech Double Circles
Mind Media Tech Double Circles

In this episode, we explore the draining effects of poorly structured meetings and offers psychological insights to transform meeting culture. Topics include why back-to-back meetings feel exhausting, inclusive practices for neurodiverse colleagues, strategies for global teams, and actionable hacks for making meetings productive. With examples of companies adopting no-meeting practices, the episode emphasizes preserving mental health and job satisfaction by shaking up traditional meeting norms and making meetings suck less.

00:00 Introduction: The Meeting Dilemma
01:38 The Psychology of Draining Meetings
04:34 Back-to-Back Meeting Marathons
07:54 Inclusive Meeting Practices
10:50 Global Team Meeting Strategies
13:48 Transforming Meetings into Productive Sessions
16:00 Imagining a Low-Meeting Workplace
18:59 Conclusion: Rethinking Meeting Culture

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